Apple II

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Nombre de jeux 560
Nombre de scans 323
Revues de presse 173
Note moyenne 13.6
Année de sortie 1977
Constructeur Apple
Génération 0

TOP 10 des Jeux Apple II

Dragon Wars #1 - Dragon Wars
Apple II -
Karateka #2 - Karateka
Apple II -
Airheart #3 - Airheart
Apple II -
Trinity #4 - Trinity
Apple II -
Chivalry #5 - Chivalry
Apple II - Compilation
Winter Games #6 - Winter Games
Apple II -
The Legend of Blacksilver #7 - The Legend of Blacksilver
Apple II -
Fooblitzky #8 - Fooblitzky
Apple II -
Countdown to Shutdown #9 - Countdown to Shutdown
Apple II -
The Bard's Tale I : Tales of the Unknown #10 - The Bard's Tale I : Tales of the Unknown
Apple II -

Jeux Apple II populaires

Jawbreaker II #1 - Jawbreaker II
Apple II -
Wasteland #2 - Wasteland
Apple II -
Starcross #3 - Starcross
Apple II -
Algebra III #4 - Algebra III
Apple II - Educatif
Queen of Phobos #5 - Queen of Phobos
Apple II -
ZorkQuest The Crystal of Doom #6 - ZorkQuest The Crystal of Doom
Apple II - Autres
Skyfox #7 - Skyfox
Apple II -
B-1 Nuclear Bomber #8 - B-1 Nuclear Bomber
Apple II - Simulateur de vol
Aliens #9 - Aliens
Apple II -
Adventure Quest IV #10 - Adventure Quest IV
Apple II -

Tous les Jeux Video Apple II

000.Apple II.000 Communication 1977 N/C
000.Atari 7800.000 Communication 1986 65%
221B Baker St. Autres n/c N/C
2400 A.D. n/c 75%
3 in 1 College & Pro Football n/c N/C
3-D Docking Mission n/c 35%
4th & Inches n/c N/C
50 Mission Crush n/c N/C
A Mind Forever Voyaging n/c 60%
A-E n/c N/C
ABM n/c 75%
Acid Trap n/c 70%
Add and Subtract With Alf Educatif n/c N/C
Advanced Blackjack Jeu de cartes n/c N/C
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons : Champions of... n/c N/C
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons : Pool of... n/c N/C
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons : War of the... n/c N/C
Adventure n/c N/C
Adventure Construction Set n/c N/C
Adventure Creator n/c N/C
Adventure in Time n/c N/C
Adventure Quest IV n/c N/C
Adventure to Atlantis n/c N/C
Adventureland n/c N/C
Aeronaut n/c N/C
Age of Adventure n/c N/C
Agent USA n/c N/C
Air Raid Pearl Harbor n/c N/C
Airborne ! n/c N/C
Airheart n/c 93%
Akalabeth : World of Doom 1980 35%
Alcazar : The Forgotten Fortress n/c N/C
Alesia Autres 1984 N/C
Alex DeMeo's Title Match Pro Wrestling Sport 1989 N/C
Alf : The First Adventure n/c N/C
Alf's World of Words Educatif n/c N/C
Algebra II Educatif n/c N/C
Algebra III Educatif n/c N/C
Algebra IV Educatif n/c N/C
Alice in Wonderland Puzzle game n/c 70%
Alien Ambush n/c N/C
Alien Mind n/c N/C
Alien Rain n/c N/C
Alien Typhoon n/c N/C
Aliens n/c N/C
Alpine Encounter n/c N/C
Alter Ego Female 1986 N/C
Alter Ego Male 1986 65%
Alternate Reality : The City n/c N/C
Alternate Reality : The Dungeon n/c 60%
Amazon n/c 70%
Amnesia n/c 60%
Andrew Tobia$ Managing Your Money n/c N/C
Andromeda Conquest n/c N/C
Animate Educatif n/c N/C
Ankh Puzzle game n/c N/C
Apple Bowl n/c N/C
Apple Cider Spider 1984 N/C
Apple Invader n/c N/C
Apple Panic Plates-formes 1981 N/C
Arcade Boot Camp n/c N/C
Arcade Insanity n/c N/C
Archon : The Light and the Dark n/c N/C
Archon II : Adept n/c N/C
Arcticfox n/c 75%
Ardy n/c N/C
Arena of Octos n/c N/C
Argos n/c N/C
Arkanoid Casse Briques 1986 N/C
Arkanoid II : Revenge Of Doh Casse Briques 1989 N/C
Artesians n/c N/C
Arthur : The Quest for Excalibur n/c N/C
Aussie Joker Poker Jeu de cartes n/c N/C
Auto Expenser Educatif n/c N/C
Autobahn n/c 50%
Autoduel n/c 60%
Award Maker Plus Educatif n/c N/C
Aztec 1983 90%
B-1 Nuclear Bomber Simulateur de vol n/c N/C
B24 Simulateur de vol n/c N/C
Bad Dudes n/c N/C
Bad Dudes vs. Dragon Ninja 1988 N/C
Balance of Power 1985 N/C
Balance of Power : The 1990 Edition 1989 N/C
Ball Blaster Flipper n/c N/C
Ballblazer n/c 80%
Ballyhoo 1986 80%
Baltic 1985 : Corridor to Berlin n/c N/C
Bandits n/c N/C
Bank Street Filer Educatif n/c N/C
Bank Street Mailer Educatif n/c N/C
Bank Street Speller Educatif n/c N/C
Bank Street Writer Educatif n/c N/C
Bank Street Writer Plus Educatif n/c N/C
Baratin Blues 1986 N/C
Baron The Real Estate Simulation n/c N/C
Baseball Strategy n/c N/C
Basic Building Blocks Educatif 1983 N/C
Batatlan n/c N/C
Batman : The Caped Crusader n/c N/C
Battalion Commander n/c N/C
Battle Chess 1988 N/C
Battle Cruiser n/c N/C
Battle for Normandy n/c N/C
Battle Group n/c N/C
Battle of Antietam n/c N/C
Battle of the Parthian Kings n/c N/C
Battlefront : Corps Level Command in World War II n/c N/C
Battles in Normandy n/c N/C
Battles of Napoleon n/c N/C
Battlesight n/c N/C
BattleTech : The Crescent Hawk's Inception n/c N/C
Battlezone n/c N/C
BC's Quest for Tires n/c N/C
Beach Landing n/c N/C
Beach-Head n/c N/C
Beach-Head II n/c N/C
Beast War n/c 70%
Beer Run n/c 30%
Below the Root n/c 50%
Bermuda Race n/c N/C
Better Working File & Report Educatif n/c N/C
Beyond Castle Wolfenstein n/c N/C
Beyond Dark Castle n/c N/C
Beyond Zork n/c 70%
Birth of the Phoenix n/c N/C
Bismarck : The North Sea Chase n/c N/C
Black Magic n/c N/C
Blazing Paddles Autres n/c N/C
Bop 'N Wrestle n/c N/C
Border Zone n/c N/C
Borrowed Time 1985 N/C
Boulderdash Construction Kit n/c N/C
Breakers n/c 70%
Breakthrough in the Ardennes n/c N/C
Bridge 6.0 Jeu de cartes n/c N/C
Brimstone n/c 60%
Bruce Lee n/c 90%
Bubble Bobble 1986 N/C
Bubble Ghost : Accolade 1987 N/C
Buck Rogers : Planet of Zoom n/c N/C
Bug Attack n/c 70%
Bumper Sticker Maker Educatif n/c N/C
Bureaucracy n/c 30%
BurgerTime 1982 N/C
California Games 1987 N/C
Canyon Climber Plates-formes 1982 30%
Captain Blood n/c 25%
Captain Goodnight and the Islands of Fear n/c 70%
Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future n/c N/C
Card Sharks n/c N/C
Castle Wolfenstein 1981 85%
Caverns of Callisto n/c N/C
Ceiling Zero n/c 30%
Championship Baseball n/c N/C
Championship Wrestling n/c N/C
Charlie Brown's ABC's Educatif n/c N/C
Chivalry Compilation n/c 90%
Choplifter ! 1982 N/C
Classic Concentration n/c N/C
Classic Concentration 2nd Edition n/c N/C
Close Assault n/c N/C
Clue Master Detective n/c N/C
Colonial Conquest 1985 30%
Colossus Chess IV n/c 80%
Computer Acquire n/c N/C
Computer Baseball n/c N/C
Computer Napoleonics : The Battle of Waterloo n/c N/C
Computer Stocks & Bonds n/c N/C
Conan n/c N/C
Condor 3 Educatif n/c N/C
Conflict 2500 n/c N/C
Conflict in Vietnam n/c N/C
Congo Bongo Plates-formes 1983 N/C
Continents and Countries Autres n/c 65%
Copts and Robbers 1981 N/C
Countdown to Shutdown n/c 90%
Crossbow Aventure 1987 N/C
Crosscountry USA n/c 80%
Crossfire 1981 N/C
Crush, Crumble and Chomp ! 1983 N/C
Cyclod n/c N/C
Dan Kitchen's Tomcat : F-14 Flight Simulator Simulateur de vol n/c N/C
Dark Castle n/c N/C
Dark Chambers Action n/c N/C
Dark Forest n/c N/C
Darkhorn : Realm of the Warlords n/c N/C
David's Midnight Magic Flipper n/c N/C
Decisive Battles of the American Civil War, Vol.1 n/c N/C
Decisive Battles of the American Civil War, Vol.2 n/c N/C
Decisive Battles of the American Civil War, Vol.3 n/c N/C
Defender Shoot\'em\'Up 1983 N/C
Dig Dug Puzzle game 1982 N/C
Dondra : A New Beginning 1987 N/C
Dragon Wars n/c 95%
Dream Zone n/c 80%
Drol n/c N/C
Dunzhin n/c N/C
Easy Learning : Learn the Alphabet Educatif n/c N/C
Elite 1984 90%
Empire : Wargame of the Century n/c N/C
Empire Of The Over-Mind n/c N/C
Epidémie 1984 N/C
F-15 Strike Eagle n/c 80%
Fight Night n/c 70%
Financial Cookbook n/c N/C
Flight Simulator II Simulateur de vol 1983 85%
Fooblitzky n/c 90%
Full Metal Planete 1990 N/C
Galactic Saga IV : Tawala's Last Redoubt n/c N/C
Gamma Goblins n/c 60%
Gauntlet n/c N/C
GBA Basketball Two on Two n/c 50%
Gemstone Healer n/c N/C
Gemstone Warrior n/c 80%
GeoFile n/c N/C
Germany 1985 n/c N/C
Ghostbusters Shoot\'em\'Up n/c 40%
Gold Rush ! n/c N/C
Gunslinger n/c 70%
H.E.R.O. n/c 78%
Halls of Montezuma 1990 N/C
Hardball ! n/c N/C
Heavy Barrel n/c N/C
High Stakes n/c 70%
Hollywood Hijinx 1987 N/C
Ikari Warriors II : Victory Road n/c N/C
Impossible Mission n/c 70%
Impossible Mission II n/c N/C
Indiana Jones in Revenge of The Ancients n/c N/C
Invasion Orion n/c N/C
James Bond 007 : A View to a Kill n/c N/C
James Bond 007 : Goldfinger n/c N/C
Jawbreaker n/c 60%
Jawbreaker II n/c 20%
Jumpman n/c N/C
Jungle Hunt Action 1983 N/C
Kaiv n/c N/C
Karate Champ n/c N/C
Karateka 1984 94%
King's Bounty 1990 N/C
King's Quest : Quest for the Crown 1984 50%
King's Quest II : Romancing the Throne 1985 55%
King's Quest III : To Heir is Human 1986 50%
King's Quest IV : The Perils of Rosella 1988 68%
Klax Puzzle game 2002 N/C
Kukulcan n/c 70%
Kung-Fu Master Beat\'em\'All n/c N/C
Kung-Fu Master 1984 30%
L.A. Crackdown n/c N/C
La Femme qui ne Supportait pas les Ordinateurs 1985 N/C
Lady Tut n/c 80%
Lantern of D'gamma n/c 30%
Law of the West n/c 70%
Le Crime du Parking 1985 N/C
Le Mur de Berlin va Sauter 1985 N/C
Leather Goddesses of Phobos n/c 80%
Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge... 1987 N/C
Lemonade Stand n/c 75%
Little Computer People Discovery Kit n/c 80%
Lode Runner 1983 N/C
Même les Pommes de Terre ont des Yeux ! 1985 N/C
Manhunter : New York n/c N/C
Maniac Mansion 1987 60%
Marble Madness 1986 N/C
Mario Bros. n/c 88%
Match Wits n/c 70%
Meal Planner Educatif n/c N/C
Midnight Mutants Featuring ... GRAMPA Action n/c N/C
Might and Magic Book One: Secret of the Inner... n/c N/C
Mind Pursuit Educatif n/c 70%
Mindwheel n/c 70%
Miner 2049er Starring Bounty Bob Plates-formes 1982 30%
Mines of Titan n/c N/C
Mixed-Up Mother Goose n/c N/C
Moebius : The Orb of Celestial Harmony n/c N/C
Montezuma's Revenge n/c N/C
Moon Patrol 1983 N/C
Moonmist n/c N/C
Motor Psycho Course n/c N/C
Ms. Pac-Man Action 1983 N/C
Ms.Pac-Man Action n/c 75%
Mummy's Curse n/c N/C
Murder on the Mississippi n/c N/C
Mystery House 1980 80%
Mystery Master : Felony ! n/c 80%
NATO Commander n/c 80%
Neuromancer n/c 90%
Nightmare Gallery n/c 80%
Nine Princes in Amber n/c 65%
Ninja Golf Sport 1990 N/C
Nord and Bert Couldn't Make Head or Tail of It n/c 80%
North Atlantic '86 n/c N/C
Number Munchers Educatif n/c 60%
Odell Lake 1986 N/C
Ogre 1986 80%
Oids n/c N/C
Oil Barons n/c N/C
Oil's Well n/c N/C
Old Ironsides n/c 83%
Olympic Decathlon n/c 85%
Omega n/c N/C
One-on-One Basketball Sport n/c N/C
Oo-Topos n/c 80%
Out of this World Puzzle game n/c N/C
Outpost n/c N/C
Pac-Man n/c N/C
Palace in Thunderland n/c N/C
Paranoiak 1984 N/C
Paul Whitehead Teaches Chess Including... n/c 70%
Perry Mason : The Case of the Mandarin Murder n/c 80%
Pete Rose BASEBALL Sport n/c N/C
Phantasie n/c 90%
Pharaoh's Revenge n/c N/C
Pinball Construction Set Flipper n/c N/C
Pirates ! Aventure 1987 N/C
Pitfall II : Lost Caverns n/c 70%
Planet Smashers Shoot\'em\'Up n/c N/C
Planetfall n/c N/C
Plundered Hearts n/c N/C
Pole Position II Course n/c N/C
Police Quest : In Pursuit of the Death Angel n/c N/C
Pool of Radiance n/c N/C
Prince of Persia 1989 N/C
Prisoner 2 n/c N/C
Qix Puzzle game n/c N/C
Quasar n/c N/C
Queen of Phobos n/c N/C
Questron n/c N/C
Questron II n/c N/C
Rail West ! 1984 N/C
Rampage Action n/c N/C
Rampage n/c N/C
RDF 1985 n/c N/C
Real Life n/c 50%
RealSports Baseball Sport n/c N/C
Remote Control Autres n/c N/C
Rendezvous with Rama n/c N/C
Rescue on Fractalus ! n/c 70%
Ring Quest n/c 70%
Rings of Zilfin n/c 90%
Risk 1989 N/C
Road Rally U.S.A. n/c 70%
Roadwar 2000 n/c N/C
Roadwar Europa n/c N/C
Robot Odyssey n/c 90%
Robotron : 2084 Action n/c N/C
Robotron : 2084 1982 N/C
Rocky's Boots Educatif n/c 70%
Round About n/c N/C
Russia : The Great War in the East 1941-1945 n/c N/C
Sammy Lightfoot n/c 40%
Scrapyard Dog Plates-formes n/c N/C
Seastalker n/c N/C
Sentinel Tir 1991 N/C
Shadowgate n/c 35%
Shadowkeep n/c 80%
Shanghai Mahjong 1987 N/C
Shard of Spring n/c 60%
Sherlock : The Riddle of the Crown Jewels n/c N/C
Sherwood Forest n/c N/C
Silent Service n/c N/C
Silpheed n/c N/C
Ski Crazed n/c N/C
Skyfox n/c N/C
Snack Attack n/c 50%
Snack Attack and Friends n/c N/C
Softporn Adventure n/c 10%
Soko-Ban Puzzle game n/c N/C
Sorcerer n/c 80%
Space Defender n/c N/C
Space Quest I : The Sarien Encounter 1986 55%
Space Quest II : Vohaul's Revenge 1987 50%
Space Shuttle Word Problems Educatif n/c N/C
Spellbreaker n/c 90%
Spy vs Spy III : Arctic Antics 1986 N/C
Star Blazer n/c 90%
Star Trek : The Kobayashi Alternative n/c N/C
Starcross n/c N/C
Stargate n/c N/C
Starglider 1986 N/C
Stationfall n/c N/C
Strange Odyssey n/c 80%
Strategic Conquest n/c N/C
Strike Fleet n/c N/C
Summer Games Sport 1987 N/C
Summer Games Sport 1984 N/C
SunDog : Frozen Legacy n/c N/C
Super Boulderdash n/c 80%
Super Huey : UH-IX Simulateur de vol 1988 N/C
Super Skateboardin' Plates-formes n/c 80%
Super Taxman 2 n/c N/C
Superstar Ice Hockey n/c 80%
Sword Of Kadash n/c 50%
T-Rex : The Dinosaur Survival Adventure n/c N/C
Tactical Armor Command n/c N/C
Tag Team Wrestling n/c N/C
Taipan n/c N/C
Talon n/c N/C
Tangled Tales n/c N/C
Tank Command Action n/c N/C
Tank Platoon ! n/c N/C
Tanktics : Computer Game of Armored Combat on the... n/c N/C
Tapper n/c N/C
Tarturian n/c N/C
Tass Times in Tonetown n/c 58%
Taxman n/c N/C
Techno Cop n/c N/C
Tempête sur les Bermudes 1986 N/C
Temple of Apshai n/c N/C
Temple of Apshai Trilogy n/c N/C
Tennis Championship n/c N/C
Territory Puzzle game n/c N/C
Terrorist Game System n/c N/C
Test Drive n/c N/C
Test Drive II : The Duel 1989 N/C
Tetris Puzzle game 1988 N/C
Tetris 2 Puzzle game 1990 N/C
Tharolian Tunnels n/c N/C
The $100,000 Pyramid n/c N/C
The Abyssal Zone n/c N/C
The Adventure : Only the Fittest Shall Survive n/c N/C
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai n/c N/C
The All New Family Feud Quizz Game 1989 N/C
The American Challenge : A Sailing Simulation 1987 N/C
The Ancient Art of War n/c N/C
The Arcade Machine Autres n/c N/C
The Bard's Tale I : Tales of the Unknown 1985 90%
The Bard's Tale II : The Destiny Knight 1986 N/C
The Bard's Tale III : The Thief of Fate 1988 80%
The Battle of Shiloh n/c N/C
The Battle of the Bulge : Tigers in the Snow n/c N/C
The California Raisins n/c N/C
The Cave of Time n/c 70%
The Caverns of Freitag n/c N/C
The Chase on Tom Sawyer's Island n/c N/C
The Chessmaster 2000 1986 70%
The Crimson Crown n/c 80%
The Eidolon n/c 80%
The Elysian Fields n/c N/C
The Great International Paper Airplane... Educatif n/c 70%
The Halley Project n/c 88%
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy n/c 50%
The Holy Grail n/c N/C
The Hunt for Red October n/c N/C
The Last Ninja n/c N/C
The Legend of Blacksilver n/c 90%
The Lurking Horror n/c 70%
The Luscher Profile Autres n/c 70%
The Magic Candle n/c 90%
The Movie Monster Game n/c N/C
The NeverEnding Story n/c 50%
The Oregon Trail n/c N/C
The Prisoner n/c N/C
The Quest n/c N/C
The Railroad Works n/c 80%
The Rocky Horror Show n/c 70%
The Stone of Sisyphus n/c N/C
The Third Courier n/c N/C
The Tracer Sanction n/c 70%
The Warp Factor n/c N/C
The Witness n/c N/C
The Wizard of Oz n/c N/C
The World's Greatest Baseball Game : Enhanced... n/c N/C
The World's Greatest Bowling Game n/c N/C
The World's Greatest Football Game n/c N/C
The Wylde n/c N/C
The Yellow Submarine n/c N/C
Theatre Europe n/c N/C
Theseus and the Minotaur n/c N/C
Thexder n/c 60%
Three Mile Island Special Version n/c N/C
Threshold n/c N/C
Touchdown Football Sport n/c N/C
Tower Toppler Action n/c N/C
Transylvania n/c N/C
Transylvania III : Vanquish the Night n/c N/C
Treasure Island n/c N/C
Trinity n/c 90%
Type Attack Educatif n/c 80%
U.S.A.A.F. : United States Army Air Force n/c N/C
Ultima I 1981 60%
Ultima II : The Revenge of the Enchantress 1982 N/C
Ultima III : Exodus 1983 N/C
Ultima IV : Quest of the Avatar 1985 80%
Ultima V : Warriors of Destiny 1988 N/C
Ulysses and the Golden Fleece n/c N/C
Under Fire ! n/c N/C
Uninvited n/c 30%
United States Adventure n/c N/C
Universe n/c N/C
Universe II n/c N/C
Up 'n' Down n/c N/C
Vaults of Zurich n/c N/C
VC n/c N/C
Video Vegas Club X Casino n/c N/C
Viper n/c 50%
Viper Patrol n/c N/C
Voodoo Castle n/c N/C
War in Russia n/c N/C
War in the South Pacific n/c N/C
War or Peace ? You Decide ! n/c 75%
Warrior's Realm n/c 70%
Warship n/c N/C
Wasteland 1988 70%
Water Ski Sport n/c N/C
Way Out n/c N/C
Wheel Of Fortune : 1st Edition Quizz Game 1988 N/C
Wheel Of Fortune : 2nd Edition Quizz Game 1988 N/C
Wheel Of Fortune : 3rd Edition Quizz Game 1988 N/C
Where in the USA is Carmen Sandiego ? Educatif n/c N/C
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego ? 1985 80%
Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego ? 1989 N/C
Who Framed Roger Rabbit ? n/c N/C
Wilderness : A Survival Adventure n/c N/C
Willy Byte in the Digital Dimension Educatif n/c N/C
Win, Lose or Draw Autres n/c N/C
Win, Lose or Draw Second Edition Autres n/c N/C
Windwalker n/c N/C
Wings of Fury 1987 N/C
Wings Out of Shadow n/c N/C
Winnie the Pooh in the Hundred Acre Wood Puzzle game n/c N/C
Winter Games Sport 1987 N/C
Winter Games 1987 90%
Wishbringer n/c 80%
Wizard and the Princess n/c N/C
Wizard's Crown n/c 60%
Wizardry I : Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord n/c N/C
Wizardry II : The Knight of Diamonds n/c N/C
Wizardry III : Legacy of Llylgamyn n/c N/C
Wizardry IV : The Return of Werdna n/c N/C
Wizardry V : Heart of the Maelstrom n/c N/C
Wizards Workbench n/c N/C
WizPlus n/c N/C
Word Challenge Puzzle game n/c N/C
Word Magic ! Educatif n/c N/C
World Class Leader Board 1987 N/C
World Games n/c N/C
World Karate Championship n/c N/C
World War III n/c N/C
Wrath Of Denethenor n/c 40%
Xenophobe Action n/c N/C
Xevious Shoot\'em\'Up n/c N/C
Xevious n/c N/C
Xyphus n/c N/C
Yahtzee n/c N/C
Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders 1988 60%
Zany Golf 1988 N/C
Zaxxon 1983 N/C
Zenith n/c N/C
Zero Gravity Pinball Flipper n/c N/C
Ziggurat n/c N/C
Zoo Master n/c N/C
Zork I : The Great Underground Empire 1980 80%
Zork II : The Wizard of Frobozz 1981 90%
Zork III : The Dungeon Master 1982 50%
Zork Zero n/c N/C
ZorkQuest Assault on Egreth Castle Autres n/c N/C
ZorkQuest The Crystal of Doom Autres n/c N/C
Zorro n/c 50%
- 32X - 3DO - 3DS - Adventure Vision - Amiga - Amiga CD32 - Amstrad-CPC 464 - Amstrad-CPC 6128 - Apple II - Atari 2600 - Atari 5200 - Atari 7800 - Atari ST - Atari XE - CD-i - Channel F - Colecovision - Commodore 64 - DD64 - Dreamcast - DS - e-Reader - Family Computer Disk System - Game and Watch - Game Boy - Game Boy Advance - Game Boy Color - Game Gear - Game Park 32 - GameCube - Gizmondo - GX-4000 - Intellivision - Jaguar - Jaguar CD - Lynx - Mac - Master System - Mega Drive - Genesis - Mega-CD - Sega CD - MSX - N-Gage - Neo Geo - Neo Geo Pocket - Neo Geo Pocket Color - Neo Geo-CD - NES - Famicom - Nintendo 64 - Odyssey - Odyssey2 - PC - PC-Engine CD Rom - PC-Engine Hu-Card - PC-Engine SuperGrafX - Playstation - Pokemon Mini - PS2 - PS3 - PSP - Saturn - SNES - TI-99 4A - TRS-80 - Vectrex - Videopac - Virtual Boy - Wii - Wonderswan - Wonderswan Color - Xbox - Xbox 360